The best snacks for the New Year's table of 2020

Food on the table

Unusual and tasty snacks are an indispensable attribute of the 2020 New Year's table. Poultry and fish in various forms - from sandwiches to rolls, mini aspic, julienne with chicken, canapes with meatballs and tartlets with red caviar will take their rightful place on the festive table.

Preparation for cooking

Vegetables on the table

For the New Year 2020 of the Metal Rat, you need to make a menu so that some of the snacks can be made in advance. This is aspic, preparations for salads and sandwiches (for example, boiled vegetables, eggs, fried meat, mushrooms, herring mousse). It’s better to start cooking with meat dishes, then cut products for sandwiches, saladsbut do not mix the ingredients and do not season with the sauce. Set hot snacks 5 minutes before guests arrive, such as julienne, and fill the tartlets with caviar at the very end.

The calorie content of various snacks

Bright and low-calorie options for snacks are suitable for everyone who wants to deliciously celebrate the year of the White Metal Rat and at the same time feel lightness, a surge of strength, and not an overfilled stomach.

Name of snackEnergy value (kcal)Fats, gProteins, gCarbohydrates, g
Royal Beef Sandwich267,4259,41,2
Sandwich with herring mousse217,217121,8
Crab Salad Sandwich217,35111219
Chicken meat144,61290
Lavash roll with salmon244,3121022
Raffaello from crab sticks274,823141,7
Chicken meat julienne155,59133
Chicken rolls with prunes160,86194
Meatball Canapes131,9749
Tartlets with red caviar342351515
Pancakes with caviar324,1151233
Red caviar salad95,92612
Smoked Salmon Rolls145,73920
Cod liver balls298,626105

The best sandwiches and sandwiches for the New Year's table

Sandwiches on a plate

For the New Year's table in 2020, it is better to choose original sandwiches, special ingredients, interesting names. Such a table will be remembered for a long time!

Crab Salad Sandwich

In the recipe, the main secret ingredient is crabs. Today they are sold in any form - both frozen and canned, so a jar of crab meat can be bought without difficulty.

Servings: +6
  • avocado 1 PC
  • mayonnaise 50 g
  • yogurt 20 g
  • canned crab meat 1 bank
  • lime 1 PC
  • chives 3 Art. l
  • buns 4 PC
  • salt pepper taste
Calories and BJU per 100 g
Calories 170 kcal
Proteins: 7.2 g
Fats: 6.6 g
Carbohydrates: 19.4 g
21 minutesVideo
  • Cut avocado, remove the stone. Grind the pulp with a blender, adding a little mayonnaise, natural yogurt.
  • Shredded crab meat, onion, zest and lime juice.
  • Dry small round buns in the oven.
  • Put the crab salad between the halves of the bun. Sprinkle with onion on top.

ON A NOTE! Be sure to free the slices of crab meat from the films before sending them to the salad.

Royal Sandwich


A royal sandwich should fully correspond to the idea of ​​an ideal snack: lean meat, vegetables, vegetable fats and easily digestible proteins.

  • 700 g beef tenderloin;
  • 1 pod of sweet pepper;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 slices of bread;
  • 50 ml of refined oil;
  • "Russian" mustard to taste;
  • greenery;
  • turmeric;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.
  1. In the oven, preheated to 240 degrees, bake sweet pepper for 20 minutes. Cool ready-made pod, peel and seeds.
  2. Remove the film from the meat, grease with mustard, season with turmeric, black pepper, salt. Fry until golden brown. For flavor, toss a clove of garlic in a frying pan (pre-crush), a sprig of dill. After roasting, send the beef to the oven. Bake until cooked.
  3. Prepare the vegetable part of the sandwich: finely chop the garlic, combine with chopped herbs, salt. Add chopped pepper, mix, season with refined oil.
  4. Sprinkle pieces of bread with butter, brown in a frying pan where the beef was fried.
  5. Arrange a vegetable salad on each slice of bread, on top a thin slice of beef.
Video recipe

Croutons with herring mousse

New Year's table in 2020 will not do without herring. You can add green onions, carrots, cream cheese to it, mix everything with a blender and put this wealth on croutons - dried pieces of dark bread.

  • 2 slices of Borodino bread;
  • 1 peeled herring fillet;
  • 3-4 feathers of green onions;
  • 140 g of carrots;
  • 1 processed cheese;
  • freshly ground black pepper.
  1. Make the mousse in advance, and brown the croutons before serving.
  2. Cut triangles from pieces of bread (you get 4 pieces). Dry the bread base in a hot oven. 5 minutes is enough.
  3. To prepare the mousse: grind the boiled carrots, cream cheese, herring fillet, onion, blender, season with pepper and mix. If the mousse is dry, add a little mayonnaise or refined oil.
  4. Place the mousse on the toasted slices of bread. Garnish with a sprig of dill.
ON A NOTE! Herring fillet should be moderately salty and oily, so choose a whole, ungutted herring, and not vinegar pieces from a jar or salt it yourself.

Cold snacks

Cold snacks

Cold snacks are prepared in advance. It is important that the aspic is well frozen, lavash rolls are saturated, and the ingredients of the crab balls are connected into a single whole.

Chicken minced meat

In the recipe, carrots are used to decorate aspic, but you can be creative and decorate as you wish - green peas, corn, sweet pepper.

  • 2 chicken breasts;
  • 50 g of gelatin;
  • 70-80 g of carrots;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt and pepper to taste.
  1. Boil chicken meat by adding salt, black pepper, peas and bay leaf to the water. Separately, boil the washed carrots.
  2. Remove the prepared breasts from the broth. Disassemble the cooled meat into small pieces, strain the liquid. To prepare the aspic, you need 500 ml of chicken broth.
  3. Prepare gelatin: dilute in water, leave to swell, then send to the broth, draining excess liquid. Put on fire, remove after 3 minutes.
  4. Take molds for muffins, put carrot slices on the bottom, meat on it, pour the broth on everything. Remove the molds on the shelf of the refrigerator.
  5. Remove the frozen mini-filler before serving from the molds.
TIP! To take out the appetizer, you need to lower the molds literally for a couple of seconds in hot water.

Lavash roll with salmon

Fish meat

Sandwiches with red fish are always present at the festive table, and the year of the Metal Rat is no exception, but you can replace them with a roll of thin pita bread with salmon, which is very easy and simple to cook at home.

  • 2 plates of thin pita bread;
  • 300 g of slightly salted red fish;
  • 150 g of cottage cheese;
  • 4-5 branches of dill.
  1. Cut the red fish fillet into thin slices. Lay out pita bread on a work surface and grease with curd cheese. Arbitrarily lay slices of fish, it is not necessary to lay the fillet in a dense layer.
  2. Sprinkle the fillet with chopped dill. Wrap roll. For convenience, it is better to cut it in half, wrap each half with a film, and send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour.This time is enough for the appetizer to cool and the pita to soak.
  3. Serve by slicing, approximately 2 cm wide.
ON A NOTE! You can decorate the appetizer with a slice of lemon, your favorite greens, olives, and in order not to sprinkle the fish with dill, just buy cheese with dill.
Video recipe

"Rafaelki" of crab sticks

There are no difficulties with this snack. First you need to boil the eggs. In the seven minutes that they are boiled, prepare the rest of the products.

  • 200 g of crab sticks;
  • 200 g of cheese;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • 60 ml of mayonnaise.
  1. To sprinkle finely grate crab sticks.
  2. Finely boil eggs, cheese, garlic cloves. Add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise, mix. From the resulting mass, form small balls, each roll in crab chips.
TIP! To make it convenient to eat a snack, you can pierce each “rafaelka” with a beautiful skewer or a toothpick.

Meat snacks

Meat snacks

Very to the place on the festive table will be light meat snacks: chicken julienne, prune rolls, meatball canapes. They are easily perceived by the stomach and saturate faster.

Chicken meat julienne

Serve appetizer in portioned metal cocktails. They are placed on a flat dish, and the handle of the cocotte is decorated with a paper papillot.

  • 350 g of white chicken meat;
  • 150 g of dense champignons;
  • 120 g of peasant oil;
  • 400 g sour cream + 50 ml cream;
  • 100 g cheese chips.
  1. Lightly fry the pulp, chop in strips. Rinse mushrooms, cut into strips and fry.
  2. Mix the prepared ingredients, season with sour cream, warm the cream over a fire (4-5 minutes).
  3. Kokotnitsy fill with cooked mass, put a grated cheese on top.
  4. Place the julienne in a hot oven, bake until golden brown.
TIP! To prevent the snack from burning, pour hot water on the baking sheet, put the coconuts and put in the oven.

Chicken rolls with prunes

In the same way, you can cook turkey fillet rolls for the New Year 2020, cutting it into four pieces.

  • 600 g of chicken breast pulp;
  • 100 g of pitted prunes;
  • 1 egg
  • salt;
  • grated nutmeg (optional).
  1. Pour prunes with water.
  2. On the chicken fillet, make an incision along (not completely cut), open like a book. Wrap the meat with a film, gently beat off, sprinkle with grated nut, salt.
  3. Dry the prunes and place in the center of the chopped breast. Roll it into a roll.
  4. Shake the egg and grease the meat rolls on each side. Put on a baking sheet.
  5. Cook for 40 minutes in a hot oven.
TIP! Tear lettuce leaves, chop pepper into strips, cut red onion into rings, mix everything, season with butter and balsamic vinegar, put rolls on mixed vegetables and serve.

Meatball Canapes

The simple meatballs in this appetizer look very elegant, and avocado sauce, cream, cilantro, garlic spices gives the dish a completely new taste and smell.

  • 350-400 g of poultry meat;
  • a small bunch of cilantro;
  • 80 g of onions;
  • avocado;
  • 100 ml of thick cream;
  • 5-10 g of garlic spices;
  • 60 g of refined oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste.
  1. Chop the onion finely and brown in oil. Add the fried onions, chopped cilantro greens to the minced meat, season, mix.
  2. Mince meatballs from minced meat, fry in oil.
  3. Prepare the sauce: mix avocado (pulp), garlic spices, cream, cilantro in a blender bowl.
  4. Place the sauce on slices of bread, glue the meatball on top.
ON A NOTE! Season the sauce with the blossoming leaves of cilantro, if not, take parsley, the taste will be different, but it also goes well with meat.

Classic caviar appetizers

Appetizers with caviar

With red caviar, any dish looks festive. You can fill tartlets, pancake bags with caviar and decorate crab meat snack balls with it.

Tartlets with red caviar

It will take no more than 15 minutes to cook.And to make tartlets easier to fill, you need to soften the butter.

  • 25 tartlets;
  • 1 jar of red caviar;
  • 100 g butter.
  1. Remove the oil from the refrigerator in advance, when it softens, place it on the bottom of the tartlets.
  2. Top with red caviar (about one teaspoon). Immediately put the snack on the table.
Video cooking

Pancakes "Surprise"

The recipe will save a lot of time for the hostess, as pancakes can be baked in the evening, and form bags the next day.

Ingredients (in 2 servings):

  • egg;
  • 70 ml of milk;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 25 g of starch;
  • 50 g butter;
  • feather of green onions or Strand cheese;
  • Red caviar.
  1. Mix the egg, milk, starch, salt and beat with a mixer. Leave the dough alone for half an hour, then beat again.
  2. Melt a little oil in a skillet. Pour two tablespoons of pancake dough, turning the pan, distribute the dough. Fry on each side until rosy.
  3. In each pancake, put caviar, form a bag, fix with a feather onion or a cheese strand.

The filling can be prepared in another way: slightly heat the refined oil in a saucepan, add a little flour and pour in heavy cream with constant stirring. When the creamy mass has thickened, cool it. Put caviar in the cooled mixture and mix gently so that the eggs remain intact.

Miniature Champagne Appetizer

Pancakes with caviar

A light snack with a minimal set of ingredients goes well with a sparkling drink. Here the queen of the dish is red caviar, it is added as a decoration.

  • 200 g of cheese;
  • 1 can of canned crabs;
  • coconut flakes;
  • fresh or canned pineapples;
  • Red caviar.
  1. You need a fine grater, with it, grate cheese and crab meat, mix. Form balls from the prepared mixture with your hands (it is better to moisten your hands with water).
  2. Roll each ball in coconut, then put on the shelf of the refrigerator.
  3. Put pineapple circles on a serving dish, place balls on them, decorate with red caviar on top.

New snacks for 2020

Appetizer Caviar Filling

If you want to surprise guests with new snacks, then a portioned salad with herring and red caviar, rolls with smoked salmon, balls from cod liver are what you need.

Red caviar salad

A great addition to the New Year's table for 2020 of the Metal Rat is a salad with red caviar and herring. The appetizer is laid out in a special culinary ring, if there is no this device, it can very well be made from improvised means, for example, from cardboard.

  • 1 apple
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 2-3 sheets of lettuce;
  • 2 radishes;
  • 35 g mayonnaise;
  • 1 canned cucumber;
  • 50 g of herring fillet;
  • 1 tbsp. l red caviar.
  1. For the sauce: grate canned cucumber, a clove of garlic, add mayonnaise to them, mix.
  2. Add chopped lettuce to the sauce, mix.
  3. Peel the apple, cut the seeds, chop into a small cube. Cut radishes into thin circles.
  4. Take a flat plate and cooking ring (put salad in it). First put the radish, then the apple, lettuce with sauce, radish. You get one apple layer, one sauce and two layers of radish.
  5. Put chopped herring in a ring. Place a spoonful of caviar on top.

Smoked Salmon Rolls

Rolls and Sushi

Cooking will take about 40 minutes, the appetizer will turn out delicious and hearty. Serve it with wasabi sauce.

  • 100 g smoked salmon;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 5 g wasabi sauce;
  • 2 sheets of nori;
  • 20 ml of soy sauce;
  • 60 g mayonnaise;
  • 150 g round grain rice;
  • 30 ml of red wine vinegar.
  1. Prepare the sauce: combine soy sauce with mayonnaise, add 30 g of finely chopped red fish. Give time to insist.
  2. Boil rice until cooked. Put in a colander to let all the glass liquid. In a bowl, combine rice with wine vinegar, leave to insist.
  3. Peel the cucumber, remove the seeds. Chop fish fillet with cucumbers, cucumber.
  4. Wrap a bamboo mat in a bag. Put a sheet of algae, spread rice on top (leave about 2 cm from one edge).Place cucumber and fish on the rice.
  5. Spin the roll, and seaweed uncovered with rice, grease with clean water to better glue them.
  6. Cut the roll with a sharp knife into 8 parts. Place them on a baking sheet, add the sauce. Grill (200 degrees) for 10 minutes.
TIP! To align the roll, you need to cut about 3 mm from the sides (before dividing it into parts).

Cod liver balls

To make the balls look more appetizing, sprinkle them on top with any greens: cilantro, dill, parsley.

  • 1 jar of cod liver;
  • 200 g of potatoes boiled in a peel;
  • 150 g pickled cucumbers;
  • 140 g of onions;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g of hard cheese;
  • 5-6 sprigs of parsley;
  • 35 ml of soy sauce;
  • 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of sesame seeds.
  1. Mash the liver and combine with grated cheese, finely chopped potatoes, cucumbers, onions, parsley.
  2. Add soy sauce, mix and form balls.
  3. Slightly fry the sesame seeds and roll the balls well in them. Put the appetizer on the dish, decorate at your discretion.
TIP! To combine the ingredients into a single whole, prepare an appetizer in advance.

Useful Tips


Useful tips to help housewives prepare delicious snacks.

  • Pancakes stuffed with caviar will turn out to be tastier if you fry them in fragrant sunflower oil, and so that it does not burn, combine it with refined.
  • When removing the zest from a lemon or lime, take only the green or yellow layer, not capturing the white, otherwise the zest will be bitter.
  • Buy dense champignons for julienne; when frying, they do not change the structure.
  • Instead of mayonnaise, you can season snacks with sour cream of 15% fat or make homemade mayonnaise. Replace salted or pickled cucumbers with fresh ones.

Bet on low-fat snacks with beef, poultry, fish, seafood and vegetables. Great idea for the New Year 2020 - miniature or portioned dishes: rolls, sandwiches, tartlets, canapes, julienne. They are easy to prepare, but convenient. Another great idea for the New Year’s menu is to stuff something, such as pancakes. As a filling, red caviar is perfect.

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Sokolova Svetlana
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